What type of coffee machine should you buy?

What type of coffee machine should you buy?

August 25, 2020

By Will Samuel

We are currently living in a Coffee golden age. The consumer has never had as much choice when it comes to getting their caffeine hit! Whether it’s from Coffee shops in the high street. Choice of beans you buy in shops or online. And the many hundreds, possibly thousands, of Coffee machines you can purchase. This much choice can be overwhelming, and you’d be forgiven for being unsure what type of Coffee machine you should buy. So we decided to write a brief overview of the three main types of devices we feature here on Proper Home Coffee.

Filter Coffee

The only question about filter coffee you need to consider is, do you love the taste of filter coffee? If you do, that’s great, and your life will be so much easier. Owning and maintaining a filter coffee machine is by far the most sensible choice of the three. So if you love Filter Coffee read no more, and check out our collection of Filter Coffee machines here. Many of them come with timers allowing you to make large quantities of fresh coffee in the morning to start your day. However, life isn’t always this simple, and unfortunately, we all have a different palate. While some people enjoy the warm, safe taste of Filter Coffee, I think the majority of the community find it a mediocre and weak disaster.

Espresso Machine

Did Angelo Moriondo in 1884 ever consider his humble patent for a drinks machine would one day rule the world of warm beverages? Although the design has changed a lot in the past 140 years, the process has remained largely the same. For those who want to enjoy a high-quality crema in the comfort of their own homes, then an espresso machine is your only choice. You can control everything about the taste from the grind size of the bean, how compact you pack it and the length of the extraction. This typically means that with each new pack, you’ll need to adjust your process slightly. Still, for every one lousy coffee you make, you’ll make dozens and dozens of rich, strong espresso, that you can consume any way you like. Whether it be through an americano, latte or cappuccino. So for those who want to take things into their own hands, we recommend you check out our espresso machines here.

Bean to Cup Machine

As Siddhartha Gotama, the first-ever Buddha taught us there is always a middle way worth considering. And that middle way is the Bean to Cup machine. With the convenience of filter coffee, but the high quality of an espresso machine, the Bean To Cup Machine would seem like the apparent winner in any content on what coffee machine to buy. However, as convenient as it is, it’s not as convenient as filter coffee. As high quality as it can be, it’s never going to be as good as filter coffee. You’ll mostly be relying on a computer to brew your coffees for you, which will either excite you or horrify you. Then there is the issue of price. Due to the complexity of these machines, on average, they will be more expensive than filter machines and espresso machines. In fact, it’d probably be cheaper to buy a separate filter machine and espresso machine instead of buying one high-quality bean to cup machine. But with the costlier price tag comes, the higher quality. These machines will create any drink you like within minutes requires no technical knowledge from you. Perhaps you appreciate high-quality coffee, but just don’t have time to be faffing about with grind size, and checking the temperature of the milk. Then the Bean to Cup is the type of coffee machine for you. If you have about £700 – £1000, then we highly recommend treating yourself to one of these to explore these wonders for yourself. Check out our Bean to Cup Coffee machines here.

In Conclusion

We can’t tell you what type of coffee machine will best suit your needs, that’s up for you to decide. The question to ask yourself if what kind of coffee do you like the most, and how much coffee time you are willing to invest? Hopefully, you’ve found this guide helpful in making your decision.